Sunday 8 April 2012

#99 Review: Emotions

     Mindfulness Session #7: Emotions – can gather momentum and easily cause problems. Every challenge in life, including dealing with emotions (our & others’), is “grist for the mill” ie the actual raw material we need for Mindfulness practice. If one is trained to handle a certain challenge, one even looks forward to encountering it – an opportunity to practice what one has been training for. With training, we become less and less identified with the passing waves and storms on the surface of the ocean of life, and more and more with the still depths. Appropriate action arises from that stillness. The observer-self has the broad, balanced, long-range overview to initiate appropriate action. As we become progressively more mindful, challenges disturb us less and less, despite the fact that our ability to feel the hurt - and joy - of others increases.

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