Saturday 7 April 2012

#98 Review: Mind-heart

Mindfulness Session #6: Mind-heart

      If one is fixated on achieving a goal (even a noble one), it’s very easy to get completely lost in one’s own head, pushing forward (momentum) with the project, and trampling on other people’s contributions / feelings. The mind (“left brain”) needs to be balanced by the “right brain,” heart, and body. Despite a high IQ one can do a lot of harm getting caught-up in momentum, lacking the wisdom to observe the effect of one’s actions on other people, animals, the environment ie being egocentric rather than allocentric / ecocentric.

     If one learns to stay in touch with one’s body, even before the mind catches on, one can feel physically - in one’s body - that something is wrong. Paying close attention to the messages from our own body is wise. Our left brain is a great tool, but a terrible master – it needs to be used wisely.

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