Tuesday, 7 January 2014

#471 Life - a Spiral Curriculum

     Life's lessons are not one-time, over-and-done-with events. We may, for example, think that we've fully dealt with, processed, & gotten over certain childhood traumas for example, only to be (unpleasantly) surprised to find that these still hold considerable charge. I suspect we periodically revisit these same issues over a lifetime, hopefully processing them each time (an iterative unburdening process), until we hopefully become naturally equanimous in their presence - objectively aware, but no longer emotionally distorted.
     Awareness & acceptance, working in tandem, at progressively more subtle levels, keep these lessons from being bypassed in our tendency to rush towards one of our many "shoulds". Eternal patience, perseverance & skillful technique is mandatory to fully process our (psychological / karmic) baggage. Some of us definitely need & should seek professional help in this area. It is a highly worthwhile, profoundly valuable journey.

Mural at Just Us cafe in Wolfville, NS by Raul Guzman Enriquez, Ixtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico

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