Friday, 18 October 2013

#414 Mindfulness is Mainstream

     88% of American college students who responded to the 2013 National College Health Assessment survey said they felt overwhelmed by everything that they had to do, and 49% said they felt that things were hopeless. And these 'emerging adults' have yet to face the real responsibilities and challenges of adult life!
     Life is moving faster, it's more complicated, more interconnected, less controllable and experienced as far more stressful than ever before. And we have fewer traditional resources to help us cope and promote resilience (extended families with stay-at-home Mom, stable small town communities, community of faith, etc). More about the significance of "community":

     Mindfulness practices are helping to fill this critical void in our private lives,
health-care, education, law, the arts, management, government, and now the military:
     "The U.S. Marine Corps, known for turning out some of the military's toughest warriors, is studying how to make its troops even tougher through meditative practices, yoga-type stretching and exercises based on mindfulness.

     Marine Corps officials say they will build a curriculum that would integrate mindfulness-based techniques into their training if they see positive results from a pilot project. Mindfulness ... emphasizes active attention on the moment to keep the mind in the present. 
     Facing a record suicide rate and thousands of veterans seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress, the military has been searching for ways to reduce strains on service members burdened with more than a decade of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
     Marine Corps officials are testing a series of brain calming exercises called "Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training" that they believe could enhance the performance of troops, who are under mounting pressures from long deployments and looming budget cuts expected to slim down forces."
     Read more:

     See also "Mindfulness Goes Mainstream" July 20, 2012 PBS video (~9min):

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