Tuesday 23 October 2012

#211 Stress relief - & - Spirituality ?

     "Taking the path less traveled by exploring your spirituality can lead to a clearer life purpose, better personal relationships and enhanced stress management skills.

What is spirituality?

     Spirituality has many definitions, but
at its core spirituality helps to give our lives context. It's not necessarily connected to a specific belief system or even religious worship. Instead, it arises from your connection with yourself and with others, the development of your personal value system, and your search for meaning in life.

     For many, spirituality takes the form of religious observance, prayer, meditation or a belief in a higher power. For others, it can be found in nature, music, art or a secular community. Spirituality is different for everyone." 

     The healthy direction of our continuously evolving self-concept and worldview is from a fear-based, isolated, rigid "me against the world" stance, towards ever-widening, kind, mature engagement with people, nature, and inanimate universe (eg Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Mandela, Dalai Lama, etc).
     Can we recognize and respect each person - no matter how "different" they may seem on the surface - for their profound human potential? Namaste.

Gaspereau Valley, Nova Scotia

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