Tuesday 21 February 2012

#51 Observer Self

     “I began my own novice’s exploration … and discovered a mother lode of esoteric writings by sages, holy seekers, wise men and women, who emphasized meditative and contemplative techniques as a means of coming to know their Self. (‘Esoteric’ here means not exotic or far out, but derives from the Greek esotero, which means ‘further in.’) Though they used different words, all the esoteric traditions within the major religions – Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam – emphasized their same core belief: we are sparks of the eternal flame, manifestations of the absolute ground of being. It turns out that the divine within – what the Christians call the soul or Christ Consciousness, Buddhists call Buddha Nature, the Hindus Atman, the Taoists Tao, the Sufis the Beloved, the Quakers the Inner Light – often doesn’t take years of meditative practice to access because it exists in all of us, just below the surface of our extreme parts."
     The Larger Self by Richard Schwartz PhD 

Photo: ema-art   www.dpreview.com

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