Thursday 26 January 2012

#25 The lab

     Sitting meditation practice is where we start to transform attractive concepts into new behavior patterns. We do this by observing ourselves, as if under our own microscope. Under "laboratory conditions": remaining physically still, letting go of words (audible, as well as self-talk), we follow basic observing-the-breath instructions. With a scientist's curiosity, we observe - become aware of - the many ways in which a part of us tries to escape from simply resting in the present moment.
     This simple - but not easy - practice has been shown to literally rewire our brain. Compulsivity diminishes, while the executive function of our brain comes into its own.

     "We conclude that mindfulness brings about various positive psychological effects including increased subjective well-being, reduced psychological symptoms and emotional reactivity, and improved behavioral regulation."
     Keng SL, Smoski MJ, Robins CJ. Effects of mindfulness on psychological health: A review of empirical studies. Clin Psychol Rev 2011; 31(6): 1041-56.

Parc Luxembourg, Paris


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