Tuesday, 21 October 2014

#576 Practicality of Prioritizing Quality

     When we compare a homeless alcoholic guzzling the handiest liquid intoxicant (including mouthwash, hair tonic, etc), with a sophisticated wine connoisseur, we tend to identify with the latter. 
     For one, it's all about becoming intoxicated as quickly as possible - mindlessly escaping reality.
     For the other, it's all about quality, with little or no intoxication - consciously savouring reality.

     All of us can be connoisseurs of our own life! We can carefully monitor the quality of our current thoughts, speech, and behaviours for lasting, timeless quality by asking:
          • Do these lead to stress and suffering, or to the end of stress and suffering?
          • If these lead to stress, are they necessary?
          • If not necessary, why do these again?
          • If these lead to the end of stress, how can I master these as skills?                                           Thanissaro Bhikkhu

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