Saturday, 16 November 2013

#437 Wholeness includes Everything

     "Wholeness is based on a balance & integration of opposites, not on getting rid of what we don't like. When we feel an inconsistency or conflict between inner experience and outer expression, between persona and shadow, fear and love, life and death, body and mind, or any other pairs of opposites, we experience pain and tension. According to the ancient Hindu scriptures, the Upanishads, wherever there is other there is fear, for fear is born of duality. We can be released from fear only when we recognize the unity of opposites and learn to balance the polarities of emotional experience in a context of healing awareness."

        Vaughn F. The Inward Arc. Healing in Psychotherapy and Spirituality. Inc, Lincoln NE, 1995, 2000.

Fine young people behind Hope Blooms - see their inspiring story:

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