Wednesday 19 September 2012

#190 Grandmotherly wisdom

     There's nothing more rigidly inflexible than someone who believes that they are right, and of course that the other party is wrong.
     Compare this with a grandmother's loving attitude toward her grandson. Grandma is very flexible - goes with the flow of her grandchild's shifting moods and occasional misbehaviors. She accepts his human imperfections, and trusts deeply in his fledgling goodness and wisdom, and thus patiently nourishes both.
     We've all been "right" as well as "wrong"! How many times have we ourselves been flat-out wrong? How many times have we been absolutely sure we're right, only to later realize we were dead wrong? Our minds mercifully get fuzzy about such stats. We're all fallible, all carry heavy loads, all perfectly human.
     We all need to receive patient, encouriging grandmotherly love - throughout life - AND - all need to provide the same to everyone, of all ages. It's the only way to cultivate a world where we and our loved ones would want to live - a world that feels like home.

Photo: Denisonlab

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