Sunday 2 September 2012

#178 Why should I meditate?

     Why should one take the time to sit down and "do nothing", when one could be doing countless other things that may be fun, necessary to do, or just a meaningless diversion?
     It's people who in some way realize that their life could be better, deeper, richer, more rewarding, that make the effort to experience a qualitative shift - who go beyond the status quo. But there's a strong tendency to remain stuck, even when life is far from ideal.
     Deep down, most humans are restless for a better life. Meditation is the time-tested means of nurturing and personally experiencing the evolution of one's own consciousness. It's safe, gentle, and works.
     No dogma, no leaving your intellect at the door when you enter. Meditation is training to come out of our common trance-like day-by-day existence - to wake up and live fully alive!

Hay bales, Manitoba, Canada

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