Sunday 9 September 2012

#182 A shift in consciousness

     Daily we do, say and think things that we regret instantly or up to decades later. As our mindfulness practice matures, we notice our errors of judgment sooner and sooner. Also, the manner in which we notice them becomes less harshly judgmental. It starts to feel less like a body blow, more like observing a common unavoidable event.
     The shift from erring on autopilot to noticing the error from our innate, but underdeveloped, mature, evolved, Homo sapiens sapiens perspective, becomes progressively more subtle and effortless.
     We learn to feel the difference between being on reptilian autopilot and mature human - like the difference between driving while drowsy and driving while relaxed yet fully alert.
     On autopilot, errors are indeed common and unavoidable. The more sustained our mindfulness, the less likely the errors. Mindfulness gradually becomes our new operating system as we drive down the highway of life.

Photo: fulviavecchia

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