Friday 30 March 2012

#90 Meditation

     “Meditation is very simple. It is an attempt to turn our awareness toward a place within our selves that is continuous and unconditionally loving, peaceful, wise, and happy. This place exists within our own beings as the core and ground and essence of us. In some spiritual traditions, it is called the Self. Meditation is the quintessential act of Self-awareness.
     I teach meditation in my therapy practice because I believe that the ultimate goal of therapy is to show people that there exists within all of us a loving, peaceful, wise, and happy inner place; that this place has never been disturbed or even touched by all the troubles and traumas that we’ve all gone through in our lives; that we can learn, with practice and over time, to direct the beam of our awareness to this place; that once we’ve learned to direct our awareness to this place, we start living our lives with more love, peace, wisdom, and happiness. The ultimate goal of meditation and all healing is to permanently establish our awareness in this place and finally realize who we really are. Once enough of us have realized who we really are, the world will become what it really is, a garden of paradise for our stewardship and enjoyment.”

         Alter RM, Alter J. “How Long Till My Soul Gets It Right?: 100 Doorways on the Journey to Happiness.” Regan Books, 2001. 

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