Saturday, 5 July 2014

#545 Knowing What Nourishes

     Rarely, life circumstances remain consistently pleasant for a brief period, maybe a day or two. But I don't think we really enjoy, nor thrive, under tepid conditions.
     A physiological level of challenge - one that stimulates our growth & evolution - seems ideal. Periodically, we do appreciate a rest from challenge, but not for long. Our need for a sense of agency and of "getting somewhere", has us seeking challenges.
     This also applies to meditation practice (although "getting somewhere" undergoes quite a shift). Initially, we may start practicing in order to better self-regulate. After we've made some progress managing stress, we delve into self-discovery - who am I? The next challenge - self-liberation.

     We are our own personal life coach / sports psychologist. As such, we need to gently, persistently ensure that we travel the path that optimally nourishes our evolution as human beings.

Taverna Squarcialupi, Castellina, Chianti, Italy - Fine dining experience

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