Friday, 20 December 2013

#458 Nothing is Hidden

     "The ninth century Zen master Siubi was asked: 'What is the secret of Zen?' 'Come back when there is nobody around and I shall tell you.' The inquirer returned. Siubi took him to a bamboo grove, pointed at the bamboos and said: 'See how long these are. See how short these are!'
     Suddenly the questioner saw, 'had a flash of awakening.' What did he see? He had a revelation of sheer existence. Where there is revelation, explanation becomes superfluous. Curiosity is dissolved in wonder."

       Welwood J. ed. “Ordinary magic. Everyday life as spiritual path.” Shambhala, Boston, 1992.

     How does the story above strike you? With patient, persistent practice, our ability to see things clearly - as they are - gradually (at times suddenly) improves.

Steve McCurry

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