Saturday, 14 December 2013

#453 Mindfulness - Only Because it Works Well

     Thich Nhat Hanh defined mindfulness as "the energy to be here and to witness deeply everything that happens in the present moment, aware of what is going on within and without.

     Staying focused in the present, fully aware of the immediacy of the task at hand, is important to (Hanh), since, as he predicts, 'If I am incapable of washing dishes joyfully, if I want to finish them quickly so I can go and have dessert, I will be equally incapable of enjoying my dessert. With the fork in my hand, I will be thinking about what to do next, and the texture and the flavor of the dessert, together with the pleasure of eating it will be lost. I will always be dragged into the future, never able to live in the present moment."

       Brinkerhoff MB, Jacob JC. Mindfulness and quasi-religious meaning systems: An empirical exploration within the context of ecological sustainability and deep ecology. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 1999; 38(4): 524-42.

     Compare this with basketball legend Michael Jordan's attitude towards training:

Sea Fog from Halifax Seaport Farmer's Market this morning Dec 14, 2014

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