Friday 19 April 2013

#316 Fear, Reactivity, Mindfulness, Mature Judgment, Wisdom to Navigate a Complex World

     It's easy to feel tight, claustrophobic, as we worry about our own security, welfare, and health in what seems to be an increasingly hostile, random, uncaring world. We're bombarded with gory superficial details of the tragedy of the day. Invariably we're left wondering why?, "searching for answers," "looking for closure".

     Our primitive brain-stem, retained from our reptilian ancestors, automatically triggers quick action in response to fear, greed & lust, to keep us alive individually, and as a species. The fear we feel on hearing of a tragedy, triggers an almost overpowering anger and impulse for swift revenge. This automatic brain-stem reflex is instant, simple & clear BUT - no longer works (did it ever?).

     We live in an incredibly complex, constantly & rapidly changing world. To survive, and hopefully thrive in this challenging climate, our pre-frontal cortex - the seat of judgment & executive function, the main distinguishing feature of humans - can & must override primitive instincts. This requires consistent training. We have constant reminders of the incredibly foolish behaviors that result when the pre-frontal cortex is bypassed: under the influence of alcohol, rage, "in the heat of passion" or other strong emotions. To live wisely, we need to intentionally nurture our own and others' evolution of consciousness. Mindfulness practice is an excellent, evidence-based way of doing just this.


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