Tuesday 25 December 2012

#251 Is Stress-free Living a Reasonable Aspiration?

     Many times one hears that people want to minimize stress in their lives - to live hassle-free. People attempt to achieve this by going along with, instead of confronting people / things with which they disagree. This can range from inconsequential taste preferences all the way to the most serious immoral / illegal / criminal acts. Where does one draw the line on this slippery slope?
     There are 2 main responses to stress - approach vs avoidance. The healthy response to a morally / legally acceptable challenge outside of one's "comfort zone", is approach - accepting & adapting to this new level of functioning, akin to a muscle having to grow in order to become used to weightlifting. Humans adapt not just physically, but completely, including evolving their self-concept (eg new sense of agency) & worldview.
     The unhealthy response to any challenge is avoidance - pretending it's not happening or otherwise try to avoid dealing with it eg substance abuse, other distraction methods. Here the individual tries to remain the same (self-concept & worldview), despite the constantly changing environment. Of course individuals who do this still change - they become more rigid (less psychologically flexible) and progressively less capable of responding in a healthy, functional manner to the ever-changing environment. Essentially, there's a devolution of consciousness, self-concept & worldview.
     Our every thought, word, and deed rewires our brains and bodies to become more and more skilled at what we habitually practice, be it playing the piano, daydreaming, or telling lies. Our moment-to-moment choices CREATE our present AND future.

Matthew Richardson   New York Times

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