Tuesday 11 June 2013

#340 Mindfulness is Intentional Transformational Learning

      "Fundamental change is difficult because it involves a radical shift in identity. 'Fundamental', 'structural', and 'radical' are terms that highlight different aspects of transformational learning (TL). ... An apt metaphor for transformational change is the caterpillar’s metamorphosis into a butterfly — not a difference of degree, but, rather, one of kind; not superficial, but, rather, structural in nature. When we move from the biologic metaphor to the psychologic of TL, the structures implicated are those of identity rather than those of anatomy. The ground of assumptions upon which we construct our identities is remade during transformational learning."

       Green L. Transformative learning: A passage through the liminal zone. in: Psychoanalysis and education: Minding a gap. Karnac Books, London, England, 2012. pp199-216. 

Jithoto   www.dpreview.com

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