Sunday, 15 February 2015

#640 The Value of One Human Being

     Bedazzlement with "science", but most powerfully, the pervasive intrusion of multinational business, has reduced our respect for individual human beings.
     Anyone should be able to reproduce a scientific experiment and obtain identical results - technique & technology rule, individuals are unimportant, interchangeable to science. 
     It's "good for business" to shut down factories at home, putting countless people out of work, and move production to third world countries where slave-labor conditions are standard - neither our unemployed nor the newly-employed have any value at all to big business. It's all about production & profit. The individual person's quality of life (QoL) is of no concern to business.
     Most shocking, we ourselves are ignoring the value, the meaning, of our own individual life. If you doubt this, review your own self-care habits:
     • do I eat a healthy diet?
     • do I exercise regularly?
     • do I get enough quality sleep?
     • do I spend enough quality time with family & close friends? 
     • do I lead a healthy, balanced life? 
     Chances are you're ignoring self-care because you too prioritize production & profit over the value, the QoL of the individual - yourself! 
     Yet our own individual QoL is intimately linked with & thus critical to the QoL of all other humans. Each individual is as profoundly interconnected with & important to the rest of humanity as any one cell in our body is interconnected with & vital to all other cells in our body.

     We must prioritize recovering our profound respect for our own, and each other's dignity as magnificent mysterious evolving vitally important individual human beings.


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