Wednesday 6 June 2012

#139 Anomie vs Morals

     “freedom and wealth almost inevitably foster anomie, the dangerous state where norms are unclear and people feel that they can do whatever they want.

     Moral systems are interlocking sets of values, practices, institutions, and evolved psychological mechanisms that work together to suppress or regulate selfishness and make social life possible.”

Jonathan Haidt PhD

      Mindfulness has no dogmas nor commandments. Mindfulness is about exploring reality and how to relate to it in a harmonious manner ie minimizing suffering and maximizing deep long-term happiness for ourselves and others. As such, Mindfulness requires one to be in harmony with existence ie to live a moral life.
     For example, if one earns a living by defrauding others, s/he should not expect to be able to achieve peace and equanimity through Mindfulness practices. Why not? Simply because reality doesn't work that way. See also:

Photo: Ko Cheng

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