Tuesday 15 May 2012

#127 In a relaxed way

     "Meditating is acknowledging and observing whatever happens - whether pleasant or unpleasant - in a relaxed way."                 Ashin Tejaniya

     Many of us are very goal-oriented, always striving to achieve, "driven" - otherwise we might worry that we're lazy or even insincere. However, meditation teachers repeatedly advise that this "gaining mind" attitude actually impedes meditation. Such a mindset craves results, anxiously anticipates the future, and is therefore uncomfortable in the here and now. But in reality, we're always only here and now, and it's about this present reality that we're trying to learn in meditation.
     Fortunately, everything - including thoughts about the future (or past) - keeps arising in the present. Therefore, we can acknowledge and observe even these thoughts - "pleasant or unpleasant - in a relaxed way."

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