Thursday 21 March 2013

#303 Heart Mind Body Energy Life-changing Experiment

     As with everything in Mindfulness, this is an experiment to try. If it feels beneficial and reduces suffering (yours & others' around you) then try to do it more & more consistently, until it's an inherent part of your life - a way of being.
     If, for whatever reason, you don't connect with this particular experiment, don't force it. Just be curious about what you perceive, and move on with aspects of Mindfulness you do connect with, and find experientially beneficial right now.

     The heart region is a major energy center (chakra - yoga / Ayurvedic medicine; meridian - traditional Chinese medicine). In these ancient healing systems, health is associated with the free flow of energy, while illness / disease is the result of blockage / stagnation of energy.
     Countless daily minimal threats, primarily to our ego, cause a chronic state of defensive contraction of / armouring around our heart region, as well as an ongoing (primitive) reactivity at least in our thoughts, but also our speech & other behavior. All of this reactivity, in itself, has a large negative impact on us & everyone around us, tightening & closing down our hearts, blocking & draining our vital energy.

     But this is just theory. To see if it's real for you - if there's experiential proof - see what happens when you keep your heart open for a week - challenge yourself! 

     No matter what, accept everything that happens for a week, and make the best of it. If you have a flood in your basement, "oh well, let's clean it up"; if immediately before a snow storm your snowblower decides not to start but instead leak gas, "oh well, let's clean it up"; and on and on challenges to keeping one's heart open continue.
     But we all know people, right now, with life-threatening illnesses. By always keeping the bigger picture in mind, it's easier to keep minor events in perspective. It's also useful to remember that we all have much greater challenges ahead of us, so learning how to deal intelligently, realistically, and effectively with relatively trivial day-to-day challenges is a very smart practice opportunity.
     The sooner we each discover for ourselves the benefits of keeping our heart open, in ALL situations, the better. Decide for yourself to try this - continuously for a week - right now. This experiment does NOT use up energy, it will SAVE / GIVE you ENERGY.

     These blogs may help inspire you to continue:

     Have fun with it!

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