Wednesday 12 September 2012

#184 Agency - direct and indirect methods

     Why are movies full of shooting and explosions so immensely popular? A small part in all of us - admit it! - dreams of definitively eliminating our difficulties - to "nuke them back into the stone-age!" Of course, difficulties are difficulties for the very reason that they're not so simple to get rid of.
     Human beings are very attached to approaches to solving problems - particularly simple(-minded) direct approaches. Warfare is a great example. How long have we been massacring each other? How many wars are going on right now? "And how's that working for you?" we should ask the combatants - or not. I once suggested to a friend, while we were having dinner, that warfare in the middle East was not helpful. She became so upset at that suggestion that she had to leave!
      "Grandmotherly love" is a wonderful influence on a toddler, and is equally effective at any age. This is nurturing - an indirect approach - akin to supplying all the vital ingredients for a seed in the soil to grow into a healthy flower. Nurturing takes time, patience, love and above all, wisdom. It works wonderfully.
     Can we intentionally let go of (most of) our much-loved impatient ineffective direct approaches, and cultivate our inherent wisdom?

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