Monday 9 April 2012

#100 Review: Congruence

     Mindfulness Session #8: Congruence is wise behavior, consistently expressing mature core values. Core values are universal and inclusive, for the long-term benefit (increased happiness & decreased suffering) of all living creatures (allocentric), including one’s self (appropriate self-care), and the environment (ecocentric).
     “Foolish” behavior involves dysfunctional / shallow / primitive attempts to seek short-term happiness, based on immature egocentric values, which in the long-run causes suffering to others, the environment, and even oneself eg Bernie Madoff, etc.
     As we become more mindful, dissonance between our values and behavior is felt more acutely – our internal compass. Naturally we’ll do less of what feels wrong, and more of what feels right.

     Congruence is an ideal that we're working towards, with patience and persistence.

Photo: Jan2009

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